Congratulations SMSIS Nightingale Chorale for defending the title once again in the recently concluded National Children’s Choir Primary School Competition Year 2022 organised by the Co-curriculum Department, Ministry of Education.

Their winning piece song ‘Cuk Kerapang’ is a Malay traditional Song that sends a message to the children to avoid playing with fire. This also creates awareness in the audience about the danger that fire brings once misused.

Under the tutelage of Teacher Joseph Machado Cabrera, the Nightingale Chorale has garnered a score of 94%. The group is composed of the following students from different classes:
Yatnesh Puvandira -Year 5C
Acel Gabriella Vasquez -Year 6B
Ella Denize Lulu -Year 5C
Brianna Marshal Chuat -Year 4D
Well done SMSIS Nightingale Chorale, the whole school community is very proud of you!